Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize winner shot by Israeli army

Mairead Corrigan McGuire received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976 for her heroic work in Northern Ireland, where peace after terror became a reality. She recently spoke in the West Bank. Here’s an excerpt from her speech (read it all here.):

She’s participating in a non-violent protest after speaking when soldiers of the Israeli army open fire. McGuire is felled by a rubber-coated steel bullet. Undeterred, she presses the case for human rights under a tree while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. (More of the story here.)
May we be so brave!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Vive Gothic

clipped from

Gothické obrázky 5

This site contains some wonderful images and photos, of Gothic Culture,also contains other cultures which I have not seen yet,hope they wont offend.